Janet Cooper & John MacIver
PO Box 653
Stover, MO 65078

Janet and John are displaced New Englanders who share their Missouri home with Brody, a foxhound mix, Quinn,
the Australian Shepherd and 3 cats. We also run a small flock of Katahdin sheep and some free range
chickens who produce tasty eggs. Currently we have Wellsummer, Cinnamon Queen and Black Sex-Linked chickens.
We like the variety of colors and personalities of the different chickens.

John, Bell & Janet |

Welcome to the Sweetbriar
herd of Sable dairy goats. We have been raising dairy goats since 1985 when we started a small American Alpine
herd in New England. We added Sables in 1995 when we moved to our farm in Missouri and have been concentrating on
purebred stock since then. We raised Boer meat goats for ten years with that endeavor ending in 2010. In 2014, we
sold out of our Alpine goats. I am a lifetime member of the American Dairy Goat Association (2019 Gold Star member)
and the American Goat Society.
The Sweetbriar goal is to breed quality animals for show as well
as milk production and temperament. We tend to keep the goat herd small and manageable. Because of this,
a number of milkers, dry stock and kids are usually for sale.