12/1/19: Received notification from ADGA that Nightshade and Zorah both earned their SGCH designation.
9/1/19: I lost most of my stored semen due to the nitrogen tank going dry. That was a blow.
12/25/18: My last FB boer, Cher, passed away. She was 13 yrs, 11 mo and was born here. I will miss her laid back
attitude and the only white goat in my herd.
6/25/16: CH Sweetbriar Violet Nighthawk has had a good
year for an 11 year old. Brought her to 5 shows this spring and she was BOB Sable in 4 of the shows! She
hasn't been in the show ring in a few years and I think she enjoyed herself. Plus she earned her star this spring at
a one-day milk test and had 4.4% butterfat. Good old girl.
4/17/16: I've got a great bunch
of bucks. I trimmed hooves today and didn't have to chase down one buck. All came when called and were perfect
gentlemen on the stand during hoof trimming & worming. Of course they all got a brushing and a cookie treat when
4/16/16: This was a buck year for sure! 18 babies and only 5 were does!
11/8/15: Here’s what I know about my breedings so far - seems I am having a weird year.
Old Zipper couldn’t do anything when it was so hot around Labor Day (but he has since been
checked and he is OK). For a clean-up buck I used the youngest buckling I have. What was I thinking! Usually
there is no problem but Victory was only 5 months old and may not have settled any does!
But I think I still have most of the does due in February!
7/4/14: I sold the last of
my alpines this year. No more alpines! Seems strange after 29 years. I will concentrate on my sables.
I did keep a couple of alpine-sable kids from this year so I guess all the alpine genetics are not gone. These little
girls will be bred sable.
3/2/14: Kidding is done until June perhaps! We have 22 kids
from 10 does! 8 sets
of twins and 2 triplet sets. 15 were doe kids! I’ve never had such odds. All kidded without assistance.
I will lose the ears on 1 kid
but considering 11 were born during that super cold of below zero nights, I think those are good
odds. I may have to tattoo her in the tail! Now to figure out what I did back in September to get so many girls?
The first kids of the year were born today. Sure glad the temperature is above freezing.
9/23/12: We attended the Kansas State Fair for the first time. What a lovely fair! We brought 7 sables and
took 6 firsts, 1 2nd, Grand & Reserve Jr doe , Grand & Reserve Sr doe, BOB, Best Udder Sable, firsts in 3 group
classes, Premier Sable Breeder and Premier Sable Exhibitor. I wish the sable classes were bigger but maybe next year?
8/20/12: The 2012 Missouri State Fair is over. With 5 sable milkers and 3 sable kids we took home three 1sts, 5
2nds, three 1sts in group classes, Jr Reserve Champion Sable, Sr Grand Champion Sable, Best Udder Sable, Reserve Best Udder
Sable and Premier Sable Exhibitor! Had a great time.
7/4/12: A big thank you to purchasers this year - Christy Harris, Debbie Schwegler, Sandy Mullins, Rodney Friesenhahn,
Patti Black, Ann Francis &Ted Coburn, Leah Pelc, Natanya Scott, Karie Cook, Brent Netemeyer and Lorie Peterson.
Wishing you well with your new goats.
9/11/10: I believe I have sold down to a reasonable number of goats for the time being. Thank you to Diana
Gerdis, Lesa Swartwood, Doug & Lesa Jennings, Shannon Preston, Barbara Preston, Karie Cook, Susan Knaebel and Suzy Minck
for purchasing my stock and wish you well with your goats.
5/16/10: We're getting older and it's time to reduce the work load on the farm. I've decided to concentrate
on the sables. The boers will be sold and many of the alpines will be sold. I will keep the old alpine girls that
no one would want even though they are great brood does.
12/23/07: Regretfully we had to sell our 2 mini donkeys. I think they were just too immature to live with
the goats safely. We humans did so enjoy them while they lived here. The goats and sheep do not miss them!
Thank you to Marcia Holt for updating some of my goat pictures! We are not good about taking pictures.
3/4/07: The majority of the kidding is done this year. Terrible weather for babies.
Much too cold and frostbite to some tender ears despite precautions. Of the 26 kids, 14 are does and 12 bucks.
Certainly better than last year's odds. Lots of rain & snow and the 2 year drought is officially over!
2/1/07: Both of our standard donkeys have passed on. Madison's cancer finally took her in November and Dolly
fell during the January ice storm and apparently suffered internal injuries. We did get 2 miniature mediterranean
donkeys to fill the void. Chloe and Jake were born in 6/06 so they have some maturing to do.
2014 National Show Sr Kid placings -A Forest photo |

R to L: Eden (Jenna), Emerald (Patti) & Sherita (Andrea) |
new puppy Brody 4/16 |
